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  • Writer's picturelemonfrogfitness

This Will Dictate Your Rate of Fat Loss

Yesterday I spent my lunchtime creating videos for my clients in order to help them with their struggles.

I have a private facebook group set up for all of my clients.

It’s a place full of like-minded people, we all motivate one another, we share our struggles and our accomplishments in order to offer support, help inspire and motivate each other as well as ourselves.

Since starting the group I have seen a greater success rate in a lot of my clients.


Because your environment dictates your results.

If you’re surrounded by supportive and like-minded people you will flourish and achieve your goals.

If you’re surrounded by people who aren’t supportive who want to do the opposite of what you do, you’re really going to struggle.

I posted into the group asking what people's struggles were. Most were similar to each other, answers such as:

Time for workouts

Eating enough protein without cooking different meals for the family.

Getting enough steps.

Having a few good days of eating followed by a bad day.

These are all pretty common issues with the majority of people and the ones people focus on, I'm sure you struggle with these to. (side note I will give you a link to these solutions at the bottom)

But then a very different answer came through, one that enough people don’t recognize or necessarily think to address and that is.

Struggling to say no to those around you.

One of my clients struggles to stay on track due to others around pressuring her to eat and drink things that don't align with her goals or wants.

Despite saying no a number of times, you eventually give in.

I’m sure you can relate, I certainly can.

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrases like:

“oh come on let’s get a pizza, one won’t hurt”

“Have another drink it won’t kill you”

“Just have one”

Despite your best efforts at the start, eventually, you cave in and end up having things you don't particularly want to.

It’s important to note that the people doing this aren’t wanting you to fail, they care about your results and your happiness but they simply don't understand.

They also don't want to feel bad for eating unhealthily whilst you are so they try to get you to follow their actions.

Like I said your environment dictates the success of your results and if you want to achieve results then you must cut that person from your life IMMEDIATELY!!.

Nah I'm just kidding, I've read a lot of books and heard a lot of people state this, but that isn’t my approach.

You do, however, need to sit down with that person or group and speak to them ASAP.

Tell them how important your goals are to you,

Why you want to achieve them,

How you don't feel supported,

And how you wish for them to stop pushing you into things you don't necessarily want to do as it’s making you unhappy and achieving your goals much harder.

If they generally care about you they will listen and support you further if they don't, well maybe those books are right.

But sitting them down and telling them the above is something that you should want to do as it will help you and your relationship with your partner/friends/parent greatly, so be sure not to put it off.

Just imagine how much easier things would be if that person was to motivate you to eat better, push you to stick to new habits, help you make better choices. You would achieve your goals 10x quicker, with much less effort and temptation.

You could have the best intentions and motivation in the world but it really does only take one person to pull you off track.

To find solutions to the other answers given please click here.

If you are struggling to address your training, nutrition or activity levels and want to improve then why are you hesitating to book onto a week's Freepersonal training with me?

I will teach you how to train, how to address your nutritional problems and activity levels to burn more calories with minimal effort.

If you’re ready to stop struggling and ready to feel what it’s like to be part of a more encouraging and successful environment then Click Here to email me about starting your free week's personal training.

If you've enjoyed this blog please feel free to share it through the social media icons below :)

A huge thank you for reading


P.s my latest recipe book will be out on Monday and it's a special edition, to ensure you don't miss out on this edition or any other edition click here and sign up now.

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